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Call to ACTION! Write a letter to JFC

Writer's picture: WAD BoardWAD Board

We need your support by writing to the Joint Finance Committee (JFC). I have provided a letter template that you can use when you write to JFC, Senator or/and Representative.

We have a budget proposal that Governor Ever had put in for our Deaf/Hard of Hearing/DeafBlind community related to $1.9 million to support the Behavioral Health Treatment program in Wisconsin. Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind Behavioral Health Treatment Program.

***Provide $1,936,000 General Purpose Revenue (GPR) in Fiscal Year (FY25) for a grant to establish a state-wide behavioral health treatment program for individuals who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Deaf-Blind. ***

We need your help to submit your letter to the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) today and tomorrow. It is also, helpful to submit the letter to your Senator/Representative in your home area too.

I know this is the last minute as I just learned that tomorrow is the last day to submit your letter. We need many letters to submit to the JFC today and tomorrow. WAD has created a letter template that you can use to submit the letter to the JFC, your Senator and Representative.

In the letter template: file:///U:/2023%20SUD-MH/Letters/Template%20Letter%20to%20Govenor%20Evers%20about%20listening%20Session%202022-2023.htm

Insert: means to your information in that area. You can remove the (…….): 1. Add your First and last name 2. Add your home address 3. Add City, State Zip Code 4. Add either your email address or phone number 5. Add today’s date 6. Add in three separate letters with Joint Finance Committee,Senator or Representative full contact information 7. Add in three separate letters add Dear….Joint Finance Committee, Senator or Representative 8. Last, you put your first and last name in your signature

You can also write your own letter following the template sample again. Make sure you add the specific budget $1.9 million to support the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind Behavioral Health Treatment Program in your letter.

I have added more information below this video.

Thank you for your support!

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